Application of the month
HC-A-IS / HC-A-IS-Mini Tare-Gross system with 2 cameras and 1 printer
The solution we have been offering for tare-gross applications has been based on the “first-in, first-out” (FIFO) principle. However, we've observed certain market demands where the FIFO principle doesn't apply due to machine locations or specific production processes.
Here's how it works:
1. The empty product enters the star wheel, gets weighed, and as it exits the star wheel, it passes through a printer that imprints a 2D code on its base. This code contains information like the product weight and date. A nearby camera then reads the code. If both the weight and code printing are accurate, the empty product proceeds to the next section, usually the filling process. We've also included a rejection system for both conditions, but on demand, you can request that incorrectly weighed products be rejected before printing.
2. After being previously filled, the product enters our gross system. Before entering the star wheel, there's a camera that reads the code printed by the tare system, enters the weight data into the system, and calculates the filling value to determine if the container meets the weight parameters.
The key benefit of this solution lies in its contrast to the tare-gross FIFO approach. In the FIFO solution, the machines only record the order of the weighed products, which carries the risk that a product might be removed from the production line, potentially disrupting the accuracy of communication between the machines. Furthermore, the machines need to be situated close to each other. The tare solution, with integrated cameras and printer, allows the gross machine to precisely identify and register the product being weighed. This flexibility allows us to position the machines in different rooms within the production plant. It also accommodates scenarios where the customer's production process needs to be stored after filling the product and weighing it after a period of time. With these considerations in mind, we are pleased to offer a range of options that address additional customer needs, both in terms of space requirements and seamless integration with their production processes.
![Application of the month HC-A-IS / HC-A-IS-Mini Tare-Gross system with 2 cameras and 1 printer](/fileadmin/news/2023/tara-gross-application-2.jpg)