High Speed Checkweighers for Maximum Performance

In terms of precision and throughput, checkweighers of the HC-A series are the logical response to meet the demands of modern, dynamic weighing technology. The machines provide the controls and engineering to create the ideal platform for implementing the complex regulation and control tasks. The HC-A is the basis for high end application-oriented systems that provide a maximum of 600 values per minute with 100% product monitoring.

Key Features

  • Wipotec EMFR Weigh Cells
  • Flexible integration in production lines
  • Available as multi-lane version

Your Benefits

  • Max output 600 ppm
  • Exact fill results for highest productivity

Flexible Checkweighers for Every Requirement

This model significantly extends the appli­cation possibilities of the Wipotec product line and completes our versatile product range, especially for high-end applications. In particular, the advanced solid stainless steel frame ensures extremely accurate weighing results at very high transport speeds or throughput rates. The modular design facilitates the implement­ation of custom solutions for a variety of product geometries and forms.

The sophisticated and wide selection of sorters (pusher, air blast, etc.) is designed to reliably eject products with incorrect weights with res­pect to packaging. The HC-A is characteri­sed by its comprehensive product hand­ling. For example, the top runner belts safely perform acceptance and accele­ration of folded cartons just as the me­tering screw and lateral pressure belts safely separates and accelerates vials and bottles. The HC-A supports your efforts to minimise costly overfilling with a number of optional functions.

Further information on the topic of checkweighers

Bottles, jars and tubes: using checkweighers for 100% inline product control

Modular design of checkweighers

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